Hypnotherapy Workshops

I run various group workshops using hypnotherapy to help people.

When these are planned the information will be found here. Feel free to contact me if you wish to suggest a workshop theme.

Topics I regularly cover are:

  • Freedom from Anxiety - learn about anxiety, why we have it, how it shows up in our lives in modern society and how to gain freedom from excessive anxiety using hypnosis and other techniques that have worked in my life

  • Lasting Weight Loss - learn how to use hypnosis to stop overeating & drop excess weight, release mental blocks stopping you reaching your health goals and go away with information on how to use the power of your mind be your healthiest self

  • Deep Uninterrupted Sleep - learn why your mind is keeping you awake at night, stopping you getting a full nights sleep or waking you at 3am every night and how hypnosis can give you a deep uninterrupted sleep

  • Women's Sexual Intimacy (The Big O) - a workshop to help women change those stories picked up in childhood or from past trauma that stop us from having the best sex in our lives

  • Hypnosis & Your Inner Gold - a workshop to understand what hypnosis is, how it works and how it can help free you from negative subconscious beliefs and release your inner gold

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Certified Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist

Member – International Institute for Complementary Therapists



021 664 384




552 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula